Saturday, April 25, 2015

Observation 3-a

Diverse High School
Organized Chaos



This classroom was exactly what the video was called: organized chaos. All of the students seemed to be native english speakers, but there was a diverse classroom setting. Even though there was a variety of ethnicities in the room, it was clear that all of the students seemed to be on the same intellectual level. The teacher was very good at giving equal amounts of attention to all the students in the room, regardless of their gender or race. There was one person who got to be a judge for the game that was going on, and he actually selected an african american boy. This shows that he is not biased against this student or hopefully any other minority or group in the classroom. No student besides the judge received special treatment. When one team kept sending the same person to the board to give answers, the teacher threatened the class with papers if they sent up that student again and they all laughed. This shows that there is a kind classroom environment because if one of my teachers threatened me with a paper, I would take it very seriously. The teacher also seems to have met the needs of the students because they were able to focus on smaller, minute things rather than if they were in a safe environment or where their next meal was coming from. The teacher overall was very effective in his teaching capabilities because if he wasn't, this activity would have gotten far more out of hand than it did and the students would not have been able to contribute anything to the board.

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